Thursday, March 25, 2010


Thursday, March 25, 2010
It's really getting tired and sickening. Sometimes you get sick living with it and sometimes you feel so lost without it.

How much longer must it carry on? Soon, you will find a replacement. And soon, there will be no use of this scrap anymore. Or do you still need this scrap to become your minion and do all the jobs for you while you, sir all high and mighty just relax and unwind killing time peacefully?

I really don't like being used if that's the way it is now. But deep down inside me, I believe I'm right and what others say are not correct. I solemnly do. = =...

So, you there, do not give me a reason. A reason to regret my choices. A reason to not want to believe anymore. Well, that's handy. As if I've not made enough wrong choices. =,=|| !!~

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The reason?

Thursday, March 11, 2010
May I know the reason why in the first place you're doing this to me?

You just seem so secretive. You don't show it. You don't talk about it.

All you ever do is avoid it.

Maybe to you it's all normal, but have you ever thought of the feelings of others?

Did you ever think that by doing so, you will hurt someone? Maybe me?

I'm not as good as a broom, able to sweep away dusts and rubbish constantly. I am nothing but only human.

Sometimes I wish you would just be truthful to me. Sometimes I wish you would.

Sometimes there's you a small part in me, thinking that its disappointing. Not you. Me. Disappointed in myself.

So next time you talk to me, think what is the real reason you find me for. Don't use be for your own benefit. Think of me. Don't be selfish. I end with a thank you.
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