Monday, December 28, 2009

For you, a friend I once known.

Monday, December 28, 2009
I guess, the waiting has to end. Sooner or later, reality will prevail. Dreams will be dashed and hopes will be dampened. Frankly speaking, I never put much hope on it? I knew there weren't hopes at the very least.

People have been complaining, what a sombre blog, what a emotional blog, so why not? This is what you get in my blog. What you see, is what you get. What you get, is not what you like. So what am I supposed to do with this? Continuous ignoration. Yeah, that's what I will do. Sometimes I just prefer to voice it out here, rather than throw a tantrum elsewhere. So maybe for once, if you don't see me posting any updates, you should be glad that I'm content with how I am.

Don't get me wrong. There are happy and joyous things that happen, but there is always just that one small little pest that can make it all null. I guess maybe I've improved? After more than a month, and now I'm here posting about it. Maybe it just wasn't as important as before?

My friend, it has been more than a month. Is there really nothing left to chatter between the two of us? Is this what I get when I act selflessly? Maybe not to the extent but I dare say I've contributed. Well, being ignored does hurt, but what hurts the most is being ignored by you.

I've really got nothing to say anymore. Now that it has passed. Now that almost everything is lost. Let's just say that the milk left on the table has turned sour. Any consumption of it will just cause discomfort to your stomach. Just the same as the condition we are in. I guess the gift that I presented to you is the last gift I will ever give to you. Very well, a parting gift. If that's how you like it to be, if that's how you want things to be between us, then very well. Let all the good times we had just be nothing but a memory that will be a part of my mind forever.

For you, a friend I once known, trusted, talked to and cherished.


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