Thursday, January 28, 2010

Too many things to care for, too many things to tend to.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
It's been a very very very very extremely hectic week. Barely slept 4 hours a day during the night, but luckily i still manage to catch forty winks in the afternoon. *sighs*. Being so relaxed during the first few weeks when uni started and now, barely living it out by not choking and getting myself drown. = . =

So what? It's just the beginning. With the due date of an integrated project coming new, with 5 labs within 2 weeks, where 3 labs are continuous and going for a camp on the weekend. Gosh, I wonder whether I would survive next week.

Feels like shit. Tastes like hell. Sometimes I just wish I could just sit back, shake my legs and hope that everything ends well. But looks like that ain't coming. Maybe it's just me trying to inhale everything into myself and soak myself in it so that I will not think too much. =).

Yeah, it's going to be a hell of weeks, but for once, maybe I feel liberated? haha....
It's been going fine now, no messages from you, no conversations from you whatsoever and most importantly no feud. It makes it simpler to not care because it's not important to you.

Just here to rant some stuffs and now, after a energizing bath, I'm off to drenching myself again. Let's hope I get out alive, or not. =D


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