Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Malacca~!(16 June 2009)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
It's been quite some time since I've last updated my blog..lolx..reason is...kinda lazy and couldn't find anything to blog about...ok..im lying..maybe im just as lazy as a kind of animal but im not gonna name it..haha..well..went to malacca for a day trip =D....Actually needed to pick up Edison from port dickson..so decided to head on to Malacaa...Kinda lazy...So just...let the photos do the talking...

In Menara Taming Sari.. =D...Yie Hua and Kit Yien

Just arriving Malacca by train.. lolx

The windmill is nice =D

Edison and I in front of a fountain.. *lame*

Two wanted loan sharks...dun mess with them.. XD

Reached UKM about 10.30 pm...was very tired but happy as well..it has been a very very long time since I've had so much fun...Although it was very tiring, for me especially, it's all worth it. Looking forward to other trips to come..i Hope there is one..haha..till then..ciaoz!~


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