Friday, August 7, 2009


Friday, August 7, 2009
Sometimes, I feel so helpless because I am unable to help. I know that you have problems but I just can't seem to help much. Maybe you think I'm just being too nosy cause it's none of my business. Sometimes, it wont hurt to give yourself a break and try to hold on to others, rather than trying to survive the current all on your own.

It's just too much for one to handle. Not for you, not even for me. Don't keep it all to yourself. Try and learn to let go a bit more. =). Take care of yourself. for the main going to Genting Highlands during the weekend..woohoo~~!..haha...although its been just a few months ago since I've been to Genting, the feeling is just so there..haha..Genting Genting here I come~~!

That's all for now, Genting I'm coming!!~


  1. yer~~~~i also wan follow!!!!bring something back for me...thx ya...haiz...i also duno wat he is u say dun care liao...juz be urself!!!

  2. hahaha...u wan har?ok ok..i will bring bek something for u....fresh air from genting..nice o...^^

  3. yerr...i want go also..bring me along can??
    haha...i know u wont..


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