Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Interior Monologue

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Feeling so paranoia now.Don't know why. Maybe you do but you just don't want to accept it. You must stop thinking this way. You must stop hurting myself. The only thing that will happen in the end is getting into grief and pain again. Over and over again. Aren't you bored?

Can't you just give up? You're such a sore loser do you know that? Accept the fact that you lost. Live with it. If you want to, let it haunt you for maybe a week, or maybe for your life. That's how life is. Sometimes you stand, sometimes you fall. When you stand, the moment only lasts for a while. When you fall, everyone will remember and it feels like forever.

So do you really want to pick this road again? Choose this road again? Don't you think you've had enough? It's time for you to let go. Time for you to move on. Don't get yourself hurt over and over again. You've had enough. You don't deserve this. Forget everything and you will be liberated. You just have to be strong. Persevere this, and there will be nothing that you can't face.

As much as you want to think of it, push it away. Pile yourself up with other important things that need more of your attention. Forget all those petty problems. There are just small obstacles for you to overcome and when you manage to overcome them, soon the big picture will reveal itself. There's always a silver lining. Never give up. Try your best. Soon, one day, you will be able to forgive and forget whoever that has hurt you before. Yes, one day, you will. You can. Believe.


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