Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Tuesday, May 11, 2010
If you've made up your mind, please don't bother changing it.

You have seen it coming. The next time, just ignore. Ignore and pretend you do not know.

It's not worth it. Now trying to console myself.

What's not yours from the beginning is never a lost when you lose it. So look on the bright side, you did not lose anything.

Now, telling myself. Not to give in anymore. Enough is enough. No more games, no more manipulating.

Please. I beg you to let me go.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LOL you know the Tarik Tali game that we used to play in school? You're just like that. Your stance is kept shifting, to the left and right. It's so hard to stay at the middle. If you really wanna win the game, the best way is to ignore and listen to the inner voice of your heart. Don't entertain your feelings and
    emotional needs just like that, cut it off, once and for all. It might be painful at the start but believe me, it yields happiness days by days. At least you're being truthful to yourself. You don't deserve all the suffers.Take care pal ;) Cheers.

    p/s : too free to leave a comment though I don't know what really happens haha.Don't accuse me of
    busybody.Wish your well haha


  3. Totally agree with what maggie said...The decision is on your hand, so you got the right to put all these into an end. You really don't need to suffer for it. So, make a choice and although it is painful at the start, you sure can walk out from it after that. It is better than you keep suffering like that. Cheers up my friend. ^.^


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