Monday, May 4, 2009

A long break

Monday, May 4, 2009
I wonder what's the reason I'm starting to blog again? Am I being a copycat or do I need somewhere to bottle up all that's happen throughout these years. Writing this post now itself does not clarify why I'm doin it.. lolx...somebody slap the senses out of me please...since this is the 1st post..lets make it short and everything that has happened or is goin to me mercy and shine a light thru it for me will ya?hahaha...tats all..will be back for another post after my exam on the 5th of may..i hope.. *winks*


  1. i noe i noe....u start a blog bcos of me...haha~~~
    or u start a blog like some1....use the blog to talk about ppl bad thing...keke....

  2. waiting for u cum bek ah....................neck oso long loh....from penang until kl o....


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