Friday, May 8, 2009

Something unexpected~

Friday, May 8, 2009
Today i was surprised...i mean fren came back from his holidays with his other frens and got me something..well..kinda unexpected...din noe that I'm still remembered...hahaha...well....noe what he got me?

Looks like a mutated octopus.. XD

And a key chain ~~!
Thanks so much.. =D

Well, nothing much happened today..will be going to the temple in brickfields later for wesak...i will not be free 2molo and therefore mum insisted we go today..haha..fine with me..~~! *namo amitabha*.. lolx..and the weather is so damn hot..grrr....tats all...c ya~~!

1 comment:

  1. so bad.~!!!!!!!! where is mine???? cahn yung hoong~~~~har~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    btw ...tat geli...hahahahaha


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