Saturday, May 30, 2009

Yet again an outing !! (25 May 2009)

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Right after coming back from Genting, my friends came to UKM the next day to look for me. so so so so so grateful to have such nice friends..thanks guys!! love u all a bunch..they reached UKM at about 12 pm and v headed off to Sunway Pyramid..they wanted to ice skate since it has been ages since we've skated.

Before we entered the skating rink, we decided to have our lunch 1st..and..we chose Manhattan Fish Market..lolx..

Seafood platter for 2

And the we headed to the skating rink and bought our entrance ticket..the gloves looked exactly like those worn by gardeners..*sighs*...a few photos to entice you..haha..

After an hour only she dared to skate without help..haha

Wei Long, Yung Hoong, Hui Yean, Michele

Then we took some photos with the super duper mega cute PIKACHU...haha..and an interesting video of Hui Yean.. =D

Cute =D

Back to childhood..lolx

Don't kill me when you see this...haha

Group photo of us in the lift before heading back to UKM

Thanks all made my day much much more brigther =D


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