Sunday, May 17, 2009

Still unwell =(

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Had been unwell for the past week since I came back from Pangkor Island and am still not feeling well till now. Kinda got well a bit on friday and decided to go out for movies wit my friends and we watched Angels & Demons at Kepong Metro Prima... =D....body just itches to go out every now and then... can't stand it...haha...while on the way back from the movies..managed to snap a photo or the CAR...lolx..well..what to do...such a long time since all of us gathered together..still missing zeming back fast!! we miss u..haha...

From left : Wei Long, Michele, Hui Yean

From left: Yung Hoong, Wei Long, Michele, Hui Yean, Yih-Jie

that's all for this post...haha..will post up some photos of my pangkor trip soon..i guess...lolx...really havent fully recovered from my sickness....ahh.. =(...that's all.. cya~

1 comment:

  1. haha,yung hoong looks like jus wake blur...


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